24-30 April 2017
Podgora, Croatia

The Council of the Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica (SEL) and the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb, Croatia are kindly inviting you to the 20th European Congress of Lepidopterology, taking place in Podgora, Croatia from April 24th to April 30th 2017.
The congress, situated in a beautiful part of Croatia, will offer an exciting and varied scientific programme.

The full Book of Abstracts can be download here!

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24.4.2017 - arrival, registration in the afternoon

26.4.2017 - half day excursion

28.4.2017 - congress closure in the evening

29.4.2017 - full day post-congress excursion

30.4.2017 - departure

Important note! 

Please check the weather forecast and bring appropriate clothing and comfortable walking shoes 😊


Oral presenters will be allocated 15 minutes including time for questions and answers.

The computers will support MS PowerPoint.

Chairs will be asked to strictly control the time and alert you when you reach 10 or 13 minutes.

Presentations for morning sessions have to be submitted to the technical staff the afternoon before the presentation.

Presentations for afternoon sessions have to be submitted in the morning.

Oral presenters for the 3'session please prepare short presentation with only one slide (3').

All poster presenters will give a one-minute poster advertisement before poster mingle as scheduled in the Programme .

The posters can be displayed after Registration. The size of the poster should be up to A0 (840x1188 mm).


Late registration without contribution is still possible. Go to Registration Tab.


The Congress will take place at the Medora Hotel in Podgora, Croatia
Special prices are offered for Congress members. For Hotel reservation use ONLY hotel reservation form and send it directly to: mice@medorahotels.com


Note: that Congress excursions are included in the room rate if you take full package (six nights). For all questions about meals please contact the hotel during the reservation.

There are also additional accommodations in the vicinity of the Congress venue!

Accompanying persons have a special programme. For details see Hotel Reservation Form.

Additional information
For SEL membership please follow the link.
Members of The Lepidopterist's Society are treated as SEL members.
Non SEL members will be charged with additional 100 euros.


The participants are free to collect outside protected areas or non-protected species (link to protected species act/ list). 

The best student presentations and posters (BSc, MSc and PhD students) will be awarded with an honorary prize.

For other information please contact the organizers: iva.mihoci@hpm.hr or martina.sasic@hpm.hr
Croatian Natural History Museum, Demetrova 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia